We've a busy Autumn term with lots going on.
The children have enjoyed learning across the curriculum both indoors and outdoors
Take a look at some of what we've been up to!
Shared Education
Y.5,6,7 have been involved in Shared Education with Tummery P.S. and St. John's College.
The children are enjoying Technology and Design, Drama and I.C.T.
This term Y1,2 have been finding out about People Who Help Us. They are now delving Into the Woods!
Y.3,4 have been finding out about Life Under the Sea and Y.5,6,7 have explored the Victorian era, discovering how Victorians' lives were different to ours.
After school clubs like Good News Club, Clayful Minds and Multisport have taken place.
We enjoyed Scottish Dancing with Ruth.
We enjoyed Harvest Assembly with family and friends.
We love learning outdoors as part of out Eco-schools and Forest schools work.
Y1,2 at work and play.