Vision & Aims
We believe that everyone matters.
We aim to provide high quality learning experiences in a happy, secure environment where everyone feels supported and valued.
To develop the potential of each child in a secure, happy and stimulating environment that encourages a sense of confidence and self-worth.
To have a school with a caring ethos and one in which everyone feels included and valued.
To provide a variety of positive learning experiences, meeting the requirements of the Northern Ireland Curriculum.
To develop, through purposeful activity, the ability to work independently and also in groups in a tolerant and respectful manner.
To foster values and attitudes that can be clearly associated with our school; honesty, fairness, responsibility and cooperation.
To encourage the moral and spiritual development of each child and to promote respect for diversity and different cultures in our world.
To develop an awareness and respect for our immediate environment and the world in which we live.
To provide all stakeholders with opportunities to contribute to the development of the school community.